Available courses
Have you ever received a clear and concise explanation about EU's history and institutions?
If not, please, enroll to this course. You will obtain an overview of the EU history, itch 8 institutions with especial focus on the most relevant for Research and Innovation. As well as contact persons relevant for NCPs and their respective roles.
Participants will learn how to utilize the Research and Innovation Community Platform to effectively connect with Europe's R&I community. Additionally, the course will offer practical recommendations for establishing connections with R&I stakeholders from the EU and beyond.
Would you like to understand the overall mission and basic rules of the Horizon Europe programme?
If so, please, register to this course. You will find the most relevant information about the program as well as the ways of finding information about specific areas of your interest.
Throughout this course, you will get basic knowledge about Pillar 1’s programmes - ERC, MSCA and Research Infrastructures- . You will be able to signpost your clients to the Pillar 1 programmes that are relevant to them and point out the important
This is a course aimed at understanding the EU Missions and the role of the EU Mission NCPs. It is the first course in a series of courses for NCPs on various aspects of the EU Missions that is being developed as part of the EU-funded NCP4Missions project.
This course is designed to give an overview of the EIC Accelerator program from Horizon Europe, covering not only the official information, but also capturing the wide experiences from senior NCPs of the program.
This course covers, from a legal and financial perspective, the EIC accelerator instrument from Horizon Europe. This course is specially designed for L&F NCPs interested in knowing the nuances of the instrument compared to the typical collaborative projects, including its investment part, which is unique under Horizon Europe.
Do you know the opportunities offered by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC)?
The course will help you to navigate into the complex EIT landscape, and to find the important information that you may need about it. All of it, in a fast and smooth way.
The course provides an overview and summarizes key aspects of the most commonly used contracts during the project proposal preparation and implementation phases.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of key updates from the legal and financial perspectives in Horizon Europe. It covers key aspects for EU Partner Countries applicants, such as the rules of participation or an analysis of the Model Grant Agreement.
A well-set budget is one of the key elements
of successful HE project implementation but also one of the most complex elements.
The course brings guidance through the overall budgeting process during the HE project proposal preparation phase with regard to the different forms of funding (actual costs, lump sums, unit costs) and project schemes (RIA, IA, CSA, ERC, MSCA).
Would you like to know more about the conditions for participation in HE projects and the different types of participants?
This course contains extensive information about which entities and from which countries can participate in HE projects, as well as the rules and characteristics of the consortium.
A significant portion of the projects funded under Horizon Europe are centred around predetermined topics outlined in the Work Programme. This course will explain how these call topics are established, what information they contain, and how they are structured.
A major part of an NCP’s job is to advise on project ideas and proposal writing.
Therefore, it is very important to understand the entire journey from a call topic and proposition of an idea, the development of a project idea, the process of writing and the submission within the Horizon Europe portal.
The importance of including a gender dimension in Horizon Europe’s R&I projects is undeniable. However, it is not an undemanding challenge, and it requires guidance from experts. This course will provide you with the basic concepts and criteria to include a gender dimension in Horizon Europe’s R&I projects.
In this course, you will learn about the concepts of research integrity and research misconduct, the ethically sensitive areas in research, and the eligible activities supported by Horizon Europe. This course also covers information about the Ethics Review Procedure in Horizon Europe.
Are you a newly nominated NCP and you would like to understand better your role and expected activities?
If so, please, enroll to this course and you will get all the information you need to successfully perform your new role.
This course has the aim of informing EU Partner Countries NCPs about their role within the Horizon Europe programme and the expected activities that will be required from them, as well as the main support services that EU Partner Countries NCPs should guarantee to their clients.
The course presents the use of the Funding and Tenders portal in terms of searching for new funding opportunities, identifying partners, finding sources of support, and submitting proposals. The Horizon Dashboard's applications are also explained.